Wednesday, July 15, 2009

sunshine bob

Sunshine Bob from Christian Simmons on Vimeo.

i really love christian simmons. shit like this thrills me. i'd much rather be slowly terrified than obnoxiously jolted any-day. you know what i mean (exorcist prank scare maze boy, i'm talking to you). not that any of his work is terrifying. it itches me. this guy is the tim-burton of the vimeo era. every one of his videos is beauty, and to top it off he has to throw in fucking messages that someone with my mental capacity can't understand (probably still don't) until the 2nd or 8th watch. social mockery. 'all that jazz'

Thursday, July 9, 2009

raw shark texts

i've been 'fantasizing' how i could/would describe the book i'm reading to anyone that might ask ('cause "how's your book so far" is a commonly used conversational lube for the white race).
"sort-a bourne ultimatum esc. but not in the way that you think/are thinking. i 'just mean' the sudden spontaneous memory loss aspect.
'i did not know who i was. i did not know where i was.
that simple
that frightening'
all that bull. i sort-a like it better though. the book i mean. the main character isn't the sort-a-guy that always knows what the fuck he's doing/what to do in any situation. he doesn't know 7 different languages. he's not the guy to fear/respect/"wow what a fucking life he leads". so he's essentially non-threatening. i mean, his situation is pretty exciting. no one to trust. that style thing (no family/friends)."
i like to think that people would think of me less of a twilight/glitter/aaron carter crazed teen because i'm on page 46 out of 427. they probably don't care. 'all in all', it's a recommendable book.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


today is the youngest you will ever be

Friday, July 3, 2009

whose fault was that

2-way tie for "best tattoo haley has ever seen"

1. bald britney
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2. i'm gonna kill you, ray romano
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Thursday, July 2, 2009


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'tight ass' pants man
thank you "foxyman"

sub species

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"This season Takahashi notes that he was inspired by white, fluffy creatures with luminous eyes called "Graces." These creatures, invented by Takahashi, keep their distance from humans. A secret organization called Gila, he says, has succeeded in breeding and protecting the Graces. Gila also has played a crucial role in fostering a relationship between both the Graces and the human species.  To illustrate this notion, Takahashi made dolls (which looked somewhat like a cross between an alien and a monkey with luminous eyes and a light on the tip of their tails), which rested on the shoulders of a few of the mannequins that were set-up in the center of the gallery space."