Sunday, May 31, 2009

remember severed head

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greatest thing i have ever seen live
insta-rection when i read the review on "FUTURE SHIPWRECK", which is one of my 'all time favorite' blogs
they are less intoxicated and screamy in this video(sigh/shrug/meh/prominent exhale), but still sonically stimulating
album dropped may 19th and i had no idea
hope to see them this thursday at the rickshaw stop

Sunday, May 24, 2009

in b flat

darren soloman, you are surprisingly soothing

Jodorowsky You Melt My Eyes

movies are drugs. the revolution can never happen until we kick our habits.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

to the east

build new tentacles/protect yourself form the enemy stratosphere
scratchy arsenic music and the station crawling just the way i like it
it's that day when everything looks like a gray headache/the way candlestick holders selflessly embrace slowly terminal bleeding candles
sure, i'll dig you up
i'll dig up your special helmet

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Kvitrafn of Wardruna

really like peter beste
really wished i lived in germany

need to rephrase that. my current lust for living anywhere east of the atlantic is not 'because' of these pictures
of course the man-covered-in-fecies-in-tub marketing scheme has worked wonders in european real estate, but that's not my point
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Saturday, May 9, 2009

'so young, so cool'

I swear luke worrall fits any requirement I have for a male. Less than 5% body fat, lip piercing, sickly pale skin... cheekbones don't hurt either.

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think i like him better bleached and nymphy though

Friday, May 8, 2009

Thursday, May 7, 2009

finger cramp

"only the ugly can be beautiful, the pretty never"

Don't actually remember who told me this, but I'm pretty sure it's re-quoted from someone more prestigious. If it turns out to be another Ghandi quote then I will really be feeling original. Watched this episode of 30 rock, "The Bubble". Sadly the geniuses at hulu started slapping expiration dates on their shows like two month old yoplait so its now officially off their website. Probably still available on comcastondemand. If you have the time, I'd highly recommend it. "ANYWAY", the whole episode basically demonstrates this quote 'to the t', but in it's normal form of flamboyant exaggeration. I wonder if I'm using that phrase, 'to the t', right. I wonder if I'm using any of my many copyrighted phrases right. I bet I'm not. Goddammit society, stop being so fucking polite.

Forgot about the glorious 'shuffle songs' button on my ipod, and came across by far the best 'angry lyrics' i've heard in a while

-industrial revolution (immortal technique)

smells like teen spirit

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naomi cambell/kristen mcmenamy
vouge 1992

Sunday, May 3, 2009


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heidi montag and spencer pratt. swear to g-o-d he is the devil in a fleshtone beard.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

They've Come To Eat Your Children!

Somehow clicked on a link taking me to the Dru Sjodin Nation Sex Offender Website. Luckily the 'concerned citizens' of this prestigious zip code (94920) have swiffer-sweep-n-vac'd out the entire population of these repellent individuals. Take a 35 second power-walk to Strawberry and the population is quintupled and thriving. Stay-at-home moms, take out your broomsticks.

Having to admit this, reading each one of their 'mini bios' is the most interesting thing I've read on the internet since Hugh Grants imbd profile. Personal favorite: Salazar Rafael. Enjoys long walks on the beach, heart to heart conversations on the back porch, and lewd activities with 14 year olds.

Wave of Mutilation

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Friday, May 1, 2009

Jo Hamilton

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Every Day I Look a Little Bit Worse

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I don't know 'what it is' recently. I'm well aware of my ever increasing resistance to express any form of enthusiasm in daily activities, but not feeling fully 'despondent' either. Something about listening to Beach House right now is so beautifully cleansing to me. Its not obnoxious in it's uplifting abilities. Their album is as unpretentious as it is quiet. I'm partially thrown off guard. Some online reviewer labeled it as 'dream-pop'.As 'bitter' as those two words alone taste in my mouth at first, now I couldn't quite think of anything as shortly precise to describe it.

Songs to taste test:
-Master of None
-Used to Be