Saturday, May 2, 2009

They've Come To Eat Your Children!

Somehow clicked on a link taking me to the Dru Sjodin Nation Sex Offender Website. Luckily the 'concerned citizens' of this prestigious zip code (94920) have swiffer-sweep-n-vac'd out the entire population of these repellent individuals. Take a 35 second power-walk to Strawberry and the population is quintupled and thriving. Stay-at-home moms, take out your broomsticks.

Having to admit this, reading each one of their 'mini bios' is the most interesting thing I've read on the internet since Hugh Grants imbd profile. Personal favorite: Salazar Rafael. Enjoys long walks on the beach, heart to heart conversations on the back porch, and lewd activities with 14 year olds.

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