Friday, August 7, 2009

time to get mentaled

this is everything i could ever ask for (but not)
up-to-date tour date/place listings (fellow groupzies, rejoice)
video game misadventures
random snippits of personal info (not going to be able to play the Smell show on the 23rd b/c I have surgery to get some screws in my wrist on the 22nd. I'm bummed, I was really looking fwd to this show! Ironic I miss the skatepark benefit because I broke my wrist skateboarding. Anyways, I will be back soon but until then you can jam on this. This was a demo that I never ended up coming back to and probably wont end up doing anything with but jam on it n-e-wayz.)
80's grunge youtubes
basically anything that my 'easily persuadable viewpoint' could pretend to care for

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