Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
family values
Wednesday Addams: Wait, we can not break bread with you. You have taken the land which is rightfully ours. Years from now my people will be forced to live in mobile homes on reservations. Your people will wear cardigans, and drink highballs. We will sell our bracelets by the road sides, and you will play golf. My people will have pain and degradation. Your people will have stick shifts. The gods of my tribe have spoken. They said do not trust the pilgrims. And especially do not trust Sarah Miller. For all these reasons I have decided to scalp you and burn your village to the ground.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Sunday, August 23, 2009
holy fuck. ryan mcginley, you've quite outdone yourself. 'takes me the the place in between places'. think 'moonmilk' has officially triumphed over 'i know where the summer goes'. but maybe you are just progressing with time. hopefully that means your next optical mind trip of a collection will be even greater.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
die blume
tear it up/strip it down
deconstruct instruction condition/expose bare bones/naked without homes
ion flows polarizing atoms as-you-go/awakening archetypal affinity, form becomes verb
Friday, August 7, 2009
'how sick' does this look on this bitch/reallygoodlookingperson?
pictures like this tempt my adolescent brain so badly. i want one. bull ring=i have it going on. can't help it, it's how i'm is wired.
of course there goes most acceptable (accessible) job opportunities/im sorry but won't be needing your babysitting services any longer.
also my low tolerance for cleansing (i.e. showers, flossing, shaving) would leave me doomed to a staff infection 'at the very least'
these babies need at least a couple 15-20 minute salt water soaks a day and what normal person has that kind of time/patience/endurance
(hint: i dont)
time to get mentaled
this is everything i could ever ask for (but not)
up-to-date tour date/place listings (fellow groupzies, rejoice)
video game misadventures
random snippits of personal info (not going to be able to play the Smell show on the 23rd b/c I have surgery to get some screws in my wrist on the 22nd. I'm bummed, I was really looking fwd to this show! Ironic I miss the skatepark benefit because I broke my wrist skateboarding. Anyways, I will be back soon but until then you can jam on this. This was a demo that I never ended up coming back to and probably wont end up doing anything with but jam on it n-e-wayz.)
80's grunge youtubes
basically anything that my 'easily persuadable viewpoint' could pretend to care for
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
sunshine bob
Sunshine Bob from Christian Simmons on Vimeo.
i really love christian simmons. shit like this thrills me. i'd much rather be slowly terrified than obnoxiously jolted any-day. you know what i mean (exorcist prank scare maze boy, i'm talking to you). not that any of his work is terrifying. it itches me. this guy is the tim-burton of the vimeo era. every one of his videos is beauty, and to top it off he has to throw in fucking messages that someone with my mental capacity can't understand (probably still don't) until the 2nd or 8th watch. social mockery. 'all that jazz'
Thursday, July 9, 2009
raw shark texts
i've been 'fantasizing' how i could/would describe the book i'm reading to anyone that might ask ('cause "how's your book so far" is a commonly used conversational lube for the white race).
"sort-a bourne ultimatum esc. but not in the way that you think/are thinking. i 'just mean' the sudden spontaneous memory loss aspect.
'i did not know who i was. i did not know where i was.
that simple
that frightening'
all that bull. i sort-a like it better though. the book i mean. the main character isn't the sort-a-guy that always knows what the fuck he's doing/what to do in any situation. he doesn't know 7 different languages. he's not the guy to fear/respect/"wow what a fucking life he leads". so he's essentially non-threatening. i mean, his situation is pretty exciting. no one to trust. that style thing (no family/friends)."
i like to think that people would think of me less of a twilight/glitter/aaron carter crazed teen because i'm on page 46 out of 427. they probably don't care. 'all in all', it's a recommendable book.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Friday, July 3, 2009
Thursday, July 2, 2009
sub species
"This season Takahashi notes that he was inspired by white, fluffy creatures with luminous eyes called "Graces." These creatures, invented by Takahashi, keep their distance from humans. A secret organization called Gila, he says, has succeeded in breeding and protecting the Graces. Gila also has played a crucial role in fostering a relationship between both the Graces and the human species. To illustrate this notion, Takahashi made dolls (which looked somewhat like a cross between an alien and a monkey with luminous eyes and a light on the tip of their tails), which rested on the shoulders of a few of the mannequins that were set-up in the center of the gallery space."
Monday, June 29, 2009
Runaround by KT Auleta from COACD on Vimeo.
"Shot on location in Oswego, New York, which clings to the edge of Lake Ontario, Runaround follows 15-year-old Jay and her two friends through a series of hedonistic, small town pursuits. The lanky threesome, along with their grungy-handsome male counterparts, float through the dynamic landscape of adolescence, water and wood. “There are glimpses of optimism and freedom where the sky opens up, and then there are times, mostly at night, when life closes in on the girls and make them feel small and alone,” remarked Auleta about the mood of the film."
21-minute-narrative. isabel mcnally. apparently such a hit "the audience swelled into the hallway and down the corridors of the theater". think this is one of the indie-movie-types thats only inclusive to some small town festival one-night-showings. boo.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009
some guy on the news in DC was putting so much damn emphasis on how everyone is going to remember the 'exact moment they were when they heard the news'
i was on the metro, some tourist's wedgdied khaki ass stuffed into my face because i previously thought it smart to choose the seat closest to the door. it was on the newspaper i was sitting on.
your damn right, al roker, that iconic moment will forever be imprinted in my mind
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Saturday, June 6, 2009
la maison de mon rêve
i'll be 'perfectly candid' about this: i think Coco Rosie is a sham.
just seems like they got really high/covered their faces in glitter /pushed some buttons on a those electronic toys that make animal sounds/while strumming acoustic guitar/whispering inane nonsense about Santa Claus and other miscellany.
i'm down for the freak folk thing in fits and spurts
maybe i 'just don't understand her sort of music'
for now-at least
Thursday, June 4, 2009
sane jules blaine
'up the river' has really been doing it for me lately
enjoying griffin frazen in this
i've never seen 'grounded for life', but if i did i'm sure i'd be smittin because this kids so fucking cute
he's very malcom-in-the-middle esc.
sure he was a 9.5 in baby standards
this short film probably had the highest budget of the crop seeing as the rest are weekend projects with over emphasis on cigarettes and jack daniels. if you watched 'moving in circles' and thought 'anything' about it was original then you should go out and buy yourself something other to read than a fucking nylon
Sane Jules Blaine from Up the River on Vimeo.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
remember severed head
greatest thing i have ever seen liveinsta-rection when i read the review on "FUTURE SHIPWRECK", which is one of my 'all time favorite' blogs
they are less intoxicated and screamy in this video(sigh/shrug/meh/prominent exhale), but still sonically stimulating
album dropped may 19th and i had no idea
hope to see them this thursday at the rickshaw stop
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Jodorowsky You Melt My Eyes
movies are drugs. the revolution can never happen until we kick our habits.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
to the east
build new tentacles/protect yourself form the enemy stratosphere
scratchy arsenic music and the station crawling just the way i like it
it's that day when everything looks like a gray headache/the way candlestick holders selflessly embrace slowly terminal bleeding candles
sure, i'll dig you up
i'll dig up your special helmet
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Kvitrafn of Wardruna
really like peter beste
really wished i lived in germany
need to rephrase that. my current lust for living anywhere east of the atlantic is not 'because' of these pictures
of course the man-covered-in-fecies-in-tub marketing scheme has worked wonders in european real estate, but that's not my point
Saturday, May 9, 2009
'so young, so cool'
I swear luke worrall fits any requirement I have for a male. Less than 5% body fat, lip piercing, sickly pale skin... cheekbones don't hurt either.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Thursday, May 7, 2009
finger cramp
"only the ugly can be beautiful, the pretty never"
Don't actually remember who told me this, but I'm pretty sure it's re-quoted from someone more prestigious. If it turns out to be another Ghandi quote then I will really be feeling original. Watched this episode of 30 rock, "The Bubble". Sadly the geniuses at hulu started slapping expiration dates on their shows like two month old yoplait so its now officially off their website. Probably still available on comcastondemand. If you have the time, I'd highly recommend it. "ANYWAY", the whole episode basically demonstrates this quote 'to the t', but in it's normal form of flamboyant exaggeration. I wonder if I'm using that phrase, 'to the t', right. I wonder if I'm using any of my many copyrighted phrases right. I bet I'm not. Goddammit society, stop being so fucking polite.
Don't actually remember who told me this, but I'm pretty sure it's re-quoted from someone more prestigious. If it turns out to be another Ghandi quote then I will really be feeling original. Watched this episode of 30 rock, "The Bubble". Sadly the geniuses at hulu started slapping expiration dates on their shows like two month old yoplait so its now officially off their website. Probably still available on comcastondemand. If you have the time, I'd highly recommend it. "ANYWAY", the whole episode basically demonstrates this quote 'to the t', but in it's normal form of flamboyant exaggeration. I wonder if I'm using that phrase, 'to the t', right. I wonder if I'm using any of my many copyrighted phrases right. I bet I'm not. Goddammit society, stop being so fucking polite.
Forgot about the glorious 'shuffle songs' button on my ipod, and came across by far the best 'angry lyrics' i've heard in a while
-industrial revolution (immortal technique)
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Saturday, May 2, 2009
They've Come To Eat Your Children!
Somehow clicked on a link taking me to the Dru Sjodin Nation Sex Offender Website. Luckily the 'concerned citizens' of this prestigious zip code (94920) have swiffer-sweep-n-vac'd out the entire population of these repellent individuals. Take a 35 second power-walk to Strawberry and the population is quintupled and thriving. Stay-at-home moms, take out your broomsticks.
Having to admit this, reading each one of their 'mini bios' is the most interesting thing I've read on the internet since Hugh Grants imbd profile. Personal favorite: Salazar Rafael. Enjoys long walks on the beach, heart to heart conversations on the back porch, and lewd activities with 14 year olds.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Every Day I Look a Little Bit Worse
I don't know 'what it is' recently. I'm well aware of my ever increasing resistance to express any form of enthusiasm in daily activities, but not feeling fully 'despondent' either. Something about listening to Beach House right now is so beautifully cleansing to me. Its not obnoxious in it's uplifting abilities. Their album is as unpretentious as it is quiet. I'm partially thrown off guard. Some online reviewer labeled it as 'dream-pop'.As 'bitter' as those two words alone taste in my mouth at first, now I couldn't quite think of anything as shortly precise to describe it.
Songs to taste test:
-Master of None
-Used to Be
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
When he puts the microphone down his pants and forgets to mouth the lyrics, that my friends is called 'the golden moment'. Makes me despise the word 'FCC'. Once again feeling nostalgic for the years before I conceived.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Tallulah Morton shot by Mark Hunter/Cobrasnake

Why aren't any of his blog posts like this? The 'Cobrasnake' killed itself with all it's fucking self publicity.
"The Cobra Snake website is sort of like the Chili’s of party photography websites—sort of a family atmosphere where you can get just about anything inoffensive.” - Hipster Runoff
Still, after that mini-rant, I find these pictures 'pleasant'.
Glorious costume, no? Only question: what where the audition standards for the 2 second geezer debut? 1. Must reside at Villa Marin retirement home 2. Must have a permanent disconsolate expression
When I Grow Up from Fever Ray on Vimeo.
When I Grow Up from Fever Ray on Vimeo.
Good Kids Make Bad Grown-Ups
Things like this depress me. I 'sort of feel like' climbing back into my 90's womb.
Feeling the word 'cute' is like dairy products. No matter how hard you try to preserve, it will eventually expire.
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